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How Stress And Heart Disease Are Related To Each Other

How Stress And Heart Disease Are Related To Each Other

Stress is now as pervasive as the very air we breathe in contemporary society. It permeates all aspects of our lives, and evading it is a rare feat, regardless of the profession one pursues. There is an increasing body of research being conducted daily, aimed at comprehending the ramifications of stress on our holistic health and general well-being. This field of study has become increasingly lucrative as a growing number of individuals fall victim to the adverse consequences of stress on both their short-term and long-term lifestyles.

The widely acknowledged consensus highlights the detrimental effects of excessive stress on the average person. However, there remains a considerable need for further research to comprehensively explore its implications for our health. In this article, we will focus exclusively on the association between stress and cardiovascular diseases. By the conclusion of this blog post, you will gain a deeper understanding of their interconnectedness and discover strategies to mitigate the adverse impact of stress on your overall well-being.

What Exactly Is Meant By The Term Stress?

Stress is the response of your body to any situation that tends to put you out of your comfort zone. By this generic definition, a whole gamut of situations can be stacked under stressful ones. But in the simplest of terms, stress is what causes you worry and makes your body and brain react abnormally. In order to understand more about what stress actually implies, we need to understand its various types in depth.

There are two major types of stress. These can be bifurcated as chronic stress and acute stress. Even though both of these have a similar initial impact on the body of the person going through it, their long term effects on the overall well-being are vastly different. Acute stress is a situation wherein your body faces an uncertain or a challenging situation like a job interview or a potential danger. In response your body kicks into high gear to help you deal with such a situation. The marked difference here is that these kinds of situations only arise very infrequently and usually they do not lead to continued abnormal responses of the body.

Chronic stress on the other hand is a person going through worrying situations almost perpetually in their day to day life. This situation is way more damaging to the overall psyche as well as physical health of the individual. In such a case the body does not return to its normal state and is continually in a hyper active state.

The human body reacts to stress in a number of ways. It is usually marked by an increase in the heart rate, a hyper energetic state and rapid breathing. Stress also releases hormones in our body which define our response to a particularly challenging situation.


Can Stress Impact Your Heart Health?

As previously discussed in this article, numerous studies have been conducted to explore the intricate relationship between stress and its effects on an individual's heart health. Apart from elevating one's heart rate to abnormally high levels, stress is recognized as a primary contributor to conditions like heart attacks, strokes, and, in severe cases, fatal outcomes. Furthermore, the prolonged experience of stress can exacerbate various factors that serve as potential risk elements for cardiovascular diseases. Consequently, heightened stress levels render an individual more vulnerable to heart-related ailments. Let's delve deeper into these factors for a comprehensive understanding.

Impact On Other Related Risk Factors

Hypertension is the disease which is associated with a high level of blood pressure. An increasing number of people are suffering from this problem in modern times. This is known to make one more susceptible to heart disease as it damages major arteries. A good way to keep a check on your blood pressure levels is to invest in eitherblood pressure monitor or a sphygmomanometer.

Lifestyle Changes:
Stress causes some lifestyle changes like irregular sleep patterns, loss in appetite and decreased social relaxing time. These can give rise to certain cholesterol problems which are a straight path to long term cardiovascular diseases.


How To Cope?

So now that we have established that an excessive amount of stress is not good for either our mind or our body, it is important to understand some ways through which we can cope with this stress in order to lessen it. The first step to doing that is to practice relaxation and stress management. This can be done through various ways like meditation or listening to calming music. You can also engage in aromatherapy to relax your mind from all of its stressors post a especially challenging day. Deep breathing is another effective method to get you to calm down almost instantaneously.

Putting the items on your to-do list in the order of their urgency and priority is also extremely helpful in getting you to focus on the important tasks at hand and ultimately reducing stress. Talking to someone you trust or writing about your feelings in a journal can really help in getting out your frustrations and aiding you in letting go of the things which are not necessarily in your control. Speaking to a licensed therapist about some techniques to manage stress can additionally prove to be a boon for you in the long term. 

So now that you have seen how badly prolonged stress affects our heart health, do make it a point to consciously try to reduce it in your day to day life. If you are more susceptible to suffering from heart disease anyway, it becomes even more imperative to try to cut it out or at least to minimize your everyday stressors to live a long and healthy life. Do share this article with someone who you think can benefit from it and help them to live a better and a much fuller life. Know that stress is temporary but once you ruin your heart health, it is very difficult to get it to be completely normal again.

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