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How Can One Know If They Are Susceptible To Heart Disease

How Can One Know If They Are Susceptible To Heart Disease

One of the major diseases that a lot of people suffer from these days are mostly ailments which are related to the heart. These can be a result of improper lifestyle, unhealthy habits over time and even having a family history of such diseases. A common heart ailment is hypertension which basically means high blood pressure. A good way to keep a check on your blood pressure levels at home is through the help of certain healthcare devices such as digital heart rate monitors and sphygmomanometers. These devices can help one to detect any irregularities in their blood pressure and seek medical help accordingly and in time, before their condition becomes too serious.

While there is no set way in which one can guess if they will suffer from a heart related disease in their whole lifetime, some people are just more susceptible to suffering from it than others. Therefore, it is important to understand when to check yourself for such diseases and when to seek professional medical help for the same. In this article, we will be listing down some general problems which can point towards a heart health crisis in the near future. If you can relate to any of these points, do make it a point to get yourself checked as soon as possible.

- Unfounded Weakness And Tiredness:
If you constantly feel tired and fatigued without any particular reason which you can identify like not getting enough sleep or engaging in some rigorous physical activity, it may be an early sign of the onset of heart disease. The reason why this can point towards it is because if your heart is weak, it has to exert more pressure to pump the blood to all the various parts of your body. This tends to exert your body more than usual and can result in you wanting to rest up more in comparison to your usual schedule and sleeping patterns. If you notice unusual prolonged fatigue in your body, you may want to schedule a check up with your doctor to find out the reason for it.

- Difficulty In Breathing:
If you have never suffered from short breath previously but constantly struggle to breathe these days even when you are at complete rest, it can be a symptom of heart disease. While it is completely normal to struggle to catch your breath after a bout of intense physical exercise, if this occurs in the absence of it as well, this can spell trouble for you. This usually happens when your heart finds it difficult to pump out the blood which comes in from your lungs, hence causing it to keep going back again. This is the major cause of having breathing issues.

- Unexpected Weight Gain:
If you have suddenly gained weight without any major change in your lifestyle or your eating habits, there is a chance that it may be because of your heart not functioning in a proper way. Unfounded weight gain as well as undue swelling in different parts of the body can occur due to not enough blood being able to reach your kidneys, leading to them not being able to filter sodium effectively. A good way to keep your weight in check is to invest in a body fat analyser to be able to timely detect any fluctuations in it over time.

- Not Wanting To Eat:
Feeling nauseous all the time or losing your appetite which is not in tandem with your regular eating habits can actually point to serious heart disorders. Like we mentioned before in a previous point, having a weak heart can be a major cause of feeling exhausted. Both of these conditions stem from your heart not being able to effectively pump blood to all parts of your body. This occurs as your body slows down and takes much more time to digest the same food which may be digested faster in a normally functioning body scenario and hence taking a long time to feel hungry again.

- Heart Beats Too Fast:
If you feel your pulse beating extremely fast on a regular basis, you may want to get your heart checked once. While it is completely normal for the heart to beat as such during or after engaging in strenuous physical activity, but if this occurs on a random basis without any provocation of you feeling anxious at all, it can point to you suffering from heart disease. This happens when your heart tries to exert more pressure in getting the blood to your body but does not get enough blood itself to pump it further.

- You Are Obese:
If you suffer from the health condition of obesity, there is a higher chance of you developing some heart related conditions in the near future. This happens as people who are obese need more blood to be pumped to their body parts in order for their body to function in a proper way. This puts constant pressure on the heart to meet the requirements which can ultimately lead to it weakening over time. This can further be the cause of early heart attacks and palpitations. If you are obese, you can try to systematically reduce your weight through exercise and keep a check on it with weighing scales to safeguard yourself from any health problems in the future.

- You Have A Family History:
Now this is a point which many people do not give enough stock to but they should as it is an important factor in determining how susceptible someone is to developing any ailments of the heart in the future. And that is of having a family history of such diseases. If your close relatives suffer from heart problems, there is a greater chance of you also suffering from them. A good way to detect it in time is to schedule regular check ups with your doctor and mitigate it before it gets any more serious. You should also make it a point to follow a healthy lifestyle so that you can delay the onset of these ailments, if possible.

Heart disease is not as complicated as most people think it to be. It generally requires early detection and effective management in order for it not to take over your life. Being aware of these points can help you in potentially saving your or your family members’ lives.

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